From inside a thatch-and-mud house in a remote village, Nango Ouattara spoke legends into a microphone. Weeks later, her stories captivated hundreds of listeners on The Samogho Program, a weekly radio broadcast that combines traditional lore and music with biblical stories. The thirty-minute program, a fruit of Donna and Loren Entz’s three-decade ministry, celebrated its first year of airtime in June. The Entzes serve with Africa Inter-Mennonite Mission, Mennonite Mission Network and Mennonite Church Canada Witness. Radio program producer Ali TraorÌÄå© prayerfully chooses recorded stories that complement the week’s Old Testament story; Christian singers add music to further develop the message. Before The Samogho Program is ready to air, TraorÌÄå© develops a conclusion that brings together the message told through traditional and biblical stories and music. (Mennonite Mission Network)