Ì¢‰âÒThe future of the Church could be under threat unless biblical illiteracy among young people is not urgently addressed,Ì¢‰âÂå a group of Christian evangelical agencies have warned. Although young people may have well-rehearsed arguments outlining Christian responses to social and ethical issues, far fewer appear to have a solid understanding of who Jesus was and why he died, the issue of sin or why the Bible should be trusted. To address this issue, the Evangelical Alliance has launched essential, a project designed to engage young people with biblical truth. Youth leaders have recognised that although plenty of material exists about sex, drugs and other lifestyle issues, there is a paucity of resources addressing basic Christian theology. At its centre the essential project uses a website to recommend good quality resources (including downloadable samples) and provides response (along with discussion questions) to many of the questions young people frequently ask. The website address is (Evangelical Alliance)