As part of the Micah Challenge coalition, Christian leaders are calling on Western governments to stick to their promises on tackling global poverty. The call comes in the light of a report by the Africa Progress Panel, which was set up by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to monitor the promises on poverty made by the G8 nations at Gleneagles in 2005. While the UK is on track to meet its Gleneagles commitments, other countries are lagging behind. Charles Badenoch, chief executive officer of the development charity World Vision, said, “Since Gleneagles, we have allowed so many other priorities to take precedence over our commitment to fund development programmes designed to lift millions out of poverty in Africa. The international community has poured resources toward issues of international security at the expense of the poor. It's time it made good its promises.” Joel Edwards, co-chair of Micah Challenge International, said, “We urge leaders to stick to their promises. Extreme global poverty can be beaten, if there’s the political will to do so.” (Evangelical Alliance Press)