After a two-year interruption due to widespread violence in the country, the Church of the Nazarene in Haiti resumed and completed eleven district assemblies in April. Final membership totals are not yet complete, but nearly every district showed growth. Two districts showed significant losses due to deaths suffered from flooding over the past two years in Fond Verette on the South East District and in the Gonaives area on the North Central District. Jurisdictional General Superintendent Jerry D. Porter presided over the assemblies. Porter, who had the honor of ordaining thirty-nine individuals, commented, “It was a great privilege to represent the global Church to the nearly 100,000 Haitian Nazarenes as we celebrated the eleven district assemblies. Our Haitian brothers and sisters are passionate about serving the Lord and the Church of the Nazarene as we ‘make Christlike disciples in the nations.’ They have embraced a Centennial Celebration faith projection of reporting 250,000 Nazarenes by 2009.” (Church of the Nazarene Caribbean Region Communications)