Global Network for Reconciliation Launched

Fifteen participants of the Reconciliation Track at the 2004 Lausanne Forum met April 7-10 in Coventry, England, UK, to organize and launch the Global Network for Reconciliation.

Among the highlights:

  • A mission statement was crafted: “As followers of Jesus Christ, we pursue God's mission of reconciliation as we embody its vision in our network and inspire the global Christian community to engage a world of brokenness and destructive conflicts.”
  • A membership commitment was drafted.
  • A new core leadership team was unanimously elected. Individuals in each position can serve up to three years:
    • International Coordinator: CELESTIN MUSEKURA, President, Africa Leadership & Reconciliation Ministries, Rwanda/USA.
    • Administration and Communication Coordinators: LISA LODEN, Managing Director, Caspari Center for Biblical and Jewish Studies, Israel, and BEATRICE MWAKA, Project Director (Africa), International Centre for Reconciliation, Coventry Cathedral, UK.
    • Resource and Organizational Development Coordinator: BILL LOWREY, Director, Peacebuilding & Reconciliation, World Vision International, USA.

    • Policy and External Relations Coordinator: DAVID PORTER, Director, Center for Contemporary Christianity in Ireland, Northern Ireland.
    • Projects and Program Coordinator: CHRIS RICE, Co-Director, Duke Divinity School Center for Reconciliation, US. Rice will also serve as liaison to the Lausanne Committee for World Evangelization (LCWE).

Five to seven people will be added to the leadership team in the future.
We invite you to rejoice with us in the successful launch of the Global Network for Reconciliation. We covet your prayers as the leadership team begins to serve in their new roles.

Chris Rice leads an international reconciliation project of fifty leaders from locations of destructive conflict across the world, including the Middle East, Northern Ireland, Rwanda, Colombia, Korea, India, South Africa, Indonesia and Sudan. Partners include Duke University, World Vision International, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (IFES). Rice can may be contacted through his website: