A four-fold agenda for urban churches to reach their communities for Christ.Read more…
Niamey – What Is Its Context for Christian Service? Part One
The origin of the dichotomy of the presence of Muslims and Christians.Read more…
Niamey – What Is Its Context for Christian Service? Part Two
How worldviews greatly affect the context in Niger in which church leaders operate.Read more…
Contemporary Paradigms in Urban Mission: A Case Study from Lima, Peru
Factors that have contributed to the strength and vigor of the evangelical Church in Lima.Read more…
The Soul of Greater New York
With approximately 21.5 million people living within fifty miles of Times Square, Metropolitan New York has become a reflection of all the nations of the world.Read more…
Greater New York and the Five Boroughs: Prayer, Part 1
For those of us who are serious about biblical and world history, we need to seriously ponder the extraordinary facts about Greater New York at the dawn of the twenty-first century.Read more…
Greater New York and the Five Boroughs: Prayer, Part 2
An overview of prayer in New York City from the 1700s through today.Read more…
The Haitian City and the Unease of the Church
After looking at the challenges to Haitian cities, Monel seeks to develop an urban theology in Port-au-Prince and Cap-Haitian.Read more…
The Importance and Strategic Role of the City in Missio Dei
A discussion of Jeremiah 29 and God’s love for the city.Read more…
Cite Du Peuple – Cap-Haitien, Haiti: The Community and the Challenges
A deeper look into one slum community in Haiti reveals missiological challenges such as confronting fatalism, the role of cities in God’s redemptive plan, the concept of space, the nature of evil, and the role of the conscience.Read more…
Theology of Place and the “Bethel” in Cite Du Peuple, Cap-Haitien, Haiti
If God, by his Spirit, transforms people, is he not interested in the places we live as well? A biblical look at sacred space and the presence of God.Read more…
Part 1. The Global Village on the Urban Edge: The New Face of Urban Ministry
A discussion of globalization in the new urban city and the spiritual dimension of the new urban landscape.Read more…
Part 2. The Challenge for the Christian Church: New Roles in the Urban Context
The author asks, “What is the role of the Christian faith community in the emerging urban world?Ì¢âÂåRead more…
Engaging in Art with Missional Intent in Paris
The use of artistic gifts presents a significant God-designed opportunity to open doors to the heart of French culture that have been shut for a very long time.Read more…
The Global Urban Mission of God in Large Cities: Through the Practitioners’ Eyes
Five urban ministry practitioners discuss issues related to the global urban mission of God in large cities.Read more…
What Is Community Development? What Is Community Organizing?
An overview of community development and a discussion of why the urban ministry practitioner should pursue community it.Read more…
Articulating the Mission of God in the Global Urban Context
City/regions, worldviews, and an introduction to a new series in which we will look at practitioners working in a variety of urban contexts ministering on the ground.Read more…
Getting to “Yes”
Todayí¢äåä¢s cities have abandoned the story that Jesus offers life for all. But God has sent you and me into our cities to offer Godí¢äåä¢s í¢äåñYes.í¢äåRead more…
Gathering Manna in the City: Ministry in Lima, Peru
Many times, the Body of Christ practices a theological superstition by failing to recognize GodÌ¢âÂã¢s presence among us in the poor.Read more…
Community in Post-Genocide Rwanda
Any discussion on current trends and policies in Rwanda must include the 1994 genocide.Read more…
Development with the Poor in Kigali: Child-headed Households in a Post-Genocide Context
An overview of the challenges, obstacles, and answers for child-headed homes in Rwanda.Read more…
Short-term Student Ministries with Slum Communities
An overview of student ministry in urban settings.Read more…
Scavengers No More: Looking at Homelessness in Metro Manila
The author shares how investing in one homeless family in Manila impacted her entire worldview of those who are homeless.Read more…
Urban Poverty and Urban Slums in China
The author discusses the “floating population” in China and its relation to the hukou system.Read more…
Beijing’s Poor and the 2008 Olympic Games
The author shares how countless Chinese urbanites and migrant workers have been displaced by the upcoming Olympics.Read more…
Many Faces of Poverty in China
Four faces of poverty in China–and hope on the horizon.Read more…
Global Sporting Events and the Urban Poor
An introduction to those living in poverty in China and the impact of the Olympic Games on their lives.Read more…
Introduction to Short-term Student Ministries with Slum Communities
This month, thousands of university students from the Global North will move into urban slum communities in the Global South to live alongside the poor.Read more…
University Student Mission with Slum Communities: Reflections After-the-Fact
The author reflects on how one trip to the garbage village in Cairo transformed lives, including his own.Read more…
A Lesson on “Community Development” from Cambodia: A 10-Year, Bottom-up Approach
True community development requires an upside-down approach of finding good people, planning together, and trusting God for the resources.Read more…
From Manila to Phnom Penh: An Interview with Efren and Becky Roxas
The Roxas, who grew up in impoverished rural Filipino families, share how they were called to minister in Phnom Penh.Read more…
A Lesson on “Community Development” from Cambodia: A 10-Year, Bottom-up Approach
True community development requires an upside-down approach of finding good people, planning together, and trusting God for the resources.Read more…
The Echo of a Saint: Signs of Hope in a Slum Community
In a little, broken-down, poor excuse of a church building at the bottom of the Kroo Bay slum in Sierra Leone is the Church. It is where God is.Read more…
Simple Spirituality. The Spirit of Francis: A Prophetic Sign of Hope in a Slum Community
A look at the life of Francis of Assisi, the saint who invested in the lives of the poor.Read more…
Introduction: Ministry with the Urban Poor in Nordic Climates
In Nordic cultures all over the Northern Hemisphere there are urban poor living in substandard situations facing harsh climatic conditions.Read more…
Urban Youth Adventures: Winnipeg’s North End
Investing in the lives of youths in the poor neighborhoods of Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.Read more…
Hochma: A Different Way to Plant a Church with the Urban Poor
Establishing a community rooted in discipleship and integral mission oriented to the re-establishment of human dignity for the most marginalized.Read more…
Transforming Lives in Cairo’s Garbage Villages
The growing Christian communities in Cairo’s garbage villages are leading to real changes in individual lives.Read more…
Loving the Urban Poor in Cairo
Meet the people of the garbage villages in Cairo…Read more…
Restoring Life in the Red Light Districts of Kolkata, India
Women in the red light districts of Kolkata are finding freedom from the darkness of poverty, shame and sin.Read more…
Kolkata, India: An Overview
Less than one-tenth of one percent of Kolkatans are evangelical Christians.Read more…
Bhopal, India, Rebuilding after One of the Worst Industrial Disasters in History
Twenty-three years after one of the world’s worst industrial disasters, the people and communities of Bhopal are still in great need of transformation.Read more…
A Different Form of Mission with Slums: Reflections of a Change Agent in Bhopal, India
An effective mission strategy for transforming slums targets three primary levels where change takes place: the slum dwellers, institutional officials and government policymakers.Read more…
An Overview of War-ravaged Angola
A 30-year civil war has left Angola facing many challenges, including a massive refugee population and a poor educational system.Read more…
The Musseques of Luanda, Angola
The challenges in Angola’s shantytowns are seemingly endless: promiscuity, injustice, illness, lack of education, lack of drinkable water, unemployment…Read more…
The Roma (Gypsy) Community in Bucharest, Romania
The Church in Roma communities in Bucharest has suffered long-term effects of being under Communist rule.Read more…
God’s Church in Stefanesti
God continues to build his Church, with the help of organizations such as Child Evangelism Fellowship, among the Roma people.Read more…
Introduction to Series on Ministry with Slum Communities
Introduction to the year-long series on urban slum communities, including important definitions, numbers and resources.Read more…
Cite Du Peuple – Cap-Haitien, Haiti: The Community and the Challenges
A deeper look into one slum community in Haiti reveals missiological challenges such as confronting fatalism, the role of cities in God’s redemptive plan, the concept of space, the nature of evil and the role of the conscience.Read more…
Theology of Place and the “Bethel” in Cite Du Peuple, Cap-Haitien, Haiti
If God by his Spirit transforms people, is he not interested in the places we live as well? A biblical look at sacred space and the presence of God.Read more…
Learning from Ants: Missionary Teams and the Pyramid Model
It might be possible to rapidly build up mission agencies focused on core niches.Read more…
A Focus on South Asia: 340 Least-Reached Buddhist/Other People Groups Remain
Buddhism is a worldwide missionary faith which influences over 1.38 billion people worldwide.Read more…
Into Their World… the Alambadi Kurichchan of India
A very proud people with an extreme devotion to the Hindu faith, the Alambadi Kurichchan of India live in the forested areas of Kerala state in southern India.Read more…
Learning from Ants: Missionary Teams and the Skyscraper Analogy
An overview of ministries today and one type of sending structure.Read more…
A Focus on Northeast Asia: 624 Least-reached People Groups Remain
The seven countries of Northeast Asia, including China, Japan and South Korea, have economies that are growing at rates that almost defy imagination.Read more…
Into Their World…The Akto Turkmen of China
With no known record of any mission work having been done among the Akto Turkmen, this predominantly Sunni Muslim group is ripe for the message of salvation.Read more…
Learning from Ants: A Look at Evangelists and Cross-cultural Missionaries
A look at mass evangelists, cross-cultural missionaries and mission teams and trends in missions today.Read more…
Into Their World…The Aceh of Indonesia
The Aceh of Indonesia are strict Sunni Muslims and have been known to strongly and even violently oppose other religions.Read more…
A Focus on South Pacific and Southeast Asia: 661 Least-reached People Groups Remain
Many peoples in Southeast Asia were once Hindus or Buddhists; however, Islam is the predominant religion today.Read more…
A Focus on North America and the Caribbean: Eighty-eight Least-reached People Groups Remain
North America and the Caribbean is probably the region with the least religious discrimination and it has been the largest sending base in the world for missionaries; however, this is rapidly changing.Read more…
An Overview of North America and the Caribbean
Nominalism is prevalent in North America and the Caribbean; however, there are great movements in the global missions effort.Read more…
Into Their World… The Gheg Albanian of the United States
During the turmoil of the past few decades, over 100,000 Gheg Albanian immigrated to the United States.Read more…
A Focus on Central and South America: Ninety-nine Least-Reached People Groups Remain
A brief look at Central and South America shows great activity among Roman Catholics, Protestants, Muslims and now, Pentecostals.Read more…
An Overview of Central and South America
Central America and South America are filled with God’s beauty. They are also filled with corruption, unemployment and nominalism.Read more…
Into Their World… The Han Chinese of Cuba
As the largest ethnic group in the world, the Han Chinese reside in nearly every country in the world, including Cuba.Read more…
A Focus on Western Europe: 234 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
Many of EuropeÌ¢âÂã¢s great cities hold a multitude of cultures and languages. The situation is both rife with problems and rich with opportunities.Read more…
An Overview of Western Europe
The three parts of Western Europe have a rich history of Christianity which has today turned largely into nominalism.Read more…
Into Their World…The Arabs of the Netherlands
The Diaspora Arabs of the Netherlands face a Western culture very different from their traditional culture.Read more…
A Focus on East Europe and Eurasia: 188 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
The Church in Eastern Europe and Eurasia is small and struggling; however, there are rays of hope.Read more…
An Overview of Eastern Europe
Although the overwhelming majority of the population in Eastern Europe claim to be Christian, missions to other regions of the world is rare.Read more…
Into Their World… The Andi of Russia
Although having a population no greater than ten thousand people, the Andi of Russia are an unreached people group in need of the gospel of Jesus Christ.Read more…
A Focus on West and Central Africa: 520 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
In West Africa, you will find voodoo, fetishes, ancestor worship and idolatry. But most of the least-reached peoples are adherents to Islam.Read more…
Into Their World…The Jula of Mali
Even with a strong sense of clan loyalty, honesty and obedience, ninety-nine percent of the Jula of Mali still lack one thing: a relationship with Jesus Christ.Read more…
An Overview of Middle and West Africa
Despite the challenges of AIDS, poverty, corruption and wars, Middle and Western Africa have been, and are being, impacted by Christianity.Read more…
A Focus on East and South Africa: 349 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
Amidst war, AIDS and other life-threatening factors, research shows that Christianity is growing faster in these regions than anywhere else in the world.Read more…
An Overview of Eastern Africa
Saddled with debt and riddled with corruption, the countries in Eastern Africa today are broken and impoverished, with half to three-quarters of their people living in poverty.Read more…
Into Their World…The Tunni of Somalia
Nearly one hundred percent of the Tunni of Somalia are Muslim. And they have no available Christian resources.Read more…
A Focus on the Middle East/North Africa: 385 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
Half of the countries in this region still have over ninety percent of their population least-reached.Read more…
Into Their World… The Circassian of Syria
Despite a difficult history, the Cicassian of Syria have held tight to traditions and culture.Read more…
An Overview of the Middle East/North Africa
Bringing the gospel into this environment will require long-term commitments, significant risks and substantial resource investments.Read more…
A Focus on Central Asia: 858 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
A historical overview of the least-reached peoples of Central Asia and how to reach them through prayer and action.Read more…
Into Their World… Karakalpak of Uzbekistan
With the vast majority of Karakalpak being Sunni Muslims, this people group is in great need to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ.Read more…
An Overview of Central Asia
Central Asia has also sometimes also called Middle Asia or Inner Asia. Over time it has meant the land from Iran to Mongolia. Today it usually is used to refer to Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan and Iran. TheRead more…
A Focus on South Asia: 2,899 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
A historical overview of the least-reached people groups of South AsiaÌ¢âÂÛand how to reach them through prayer and action.Read more…
Into Their World…The Dakpa of Bhutan
Distrustful of outsiders and prone to hold tightly to ancient traditions, the Dakpa of Bhutan are a challenge to Christians.Read more…
An Overview of South Asia
(Editor’s Note: Our Peoples of the World section consist of three parts: an overview of a specific region of the world, a deeper look into the least-reached peoples of this area and a focus on a specific unreached people group.Read more…
A Focus on Northeast Asia: 473 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
A historical review of the least-reached peoples of Northeast Asia and how to reach them through prayer and action.Read more…
Into Their World… The Durbet of Mongolia
With far less than one percent of the Durbet being Christian, this people group needs both physical and spiritual healing.Read more…
An Overview of Northeast/East Asia
(Editor’s Note: Our new Peoples of the World section will consist of three parts: an overview of a specific region of the world, a deeper look into the least-reached peoples of this area and a focus on a specific unreachedRead more…
An Overview of Southeast Asia
Editor’s Note: Our new Peoples of the World section will consist of three parts: an overview of a specific region of the world, a deeper look into the least-reached peoples of this area and a focus on a specific unreachedRead more…
A Focus on Southeast Asia: 663 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
A historical overview of the least-reached people groups of Southeast AsiaÌ¢âÂÛand how to reach them through prayer and action.Read more…
Into Their World… The Hui of China
With over ten million Hui in China, it is astonishing that there are no known Christians among this people group.Read more…
It Takes More Than Just Churches
Seven factors, in addition to churches, are needed to reach unreached people groups.Read more…
Into Their World… Saharawi of Morocco
Conflict between Arab rulers and Berbers between 1300 AD and 1600 AD led to the beginnings of the Saharawi.Read more…
Into Their World… The Malay of Malaysia
More than ninety-nine percent of Malay remain unevangelized due to government laws and restrictions and other factors.Read more…
Dwindling Water Supplies Around the World a Cause for Concern
Only 2.5% of the 1.3 trillion cubic kilometers (km3) of water on earth is fresh, usable water. This is critical especially for many of the unreached peoples of the world.Read more…
Into Their World… The Central Tibetans of China
A nomadic lifestyle, poor infrastructure and bans on sharing the gospel make evangelizing the Central Tibetans of China extremely difficult.Read more…
Ethne ’06: A Global Consultation on Unreached Peoples
More than 350 participants gathered for Ethne Ì¢âÂã¢06 to strategize on how to reach unreached people groups around the world.Read more…
Ten Suggestions for Short-term Mission Workers
1. Do not put anything before God….Go as a servant to the local workers.Read more…
Into Their World… .The Hijazi of Saudi Arabia
Less than one percent of the nearly seventeen million Hijazi Arabs in Saudi Arabia have accepted Christ.Read more…
Into Their World… The Afar (Danakil) of Ethiopia
Claiming to be descendents of Ham, NoahÌ¢âÂã¢s son, the Afar (Danakil) of Ethiopia have had a very turbulent history. The Afar are a proud people, valuing power and prestige, the latter which many times comes from killing oneÌ¢âÂã¢s enemies.Read more…
Media Evangelism among the Unreached
The amount of media evangelism among the unreached really is amazing. The Western world is media-rich, and missionaries worldwide have learned to use this medium very effectively.Read more…
Into Their World… The Hazara of Pakistan
The Hazara of Pakistan, numbering over 110,000 people, are refugees from Afghanistan. Many fled Afghanistan after the civil war of the 1800s…Read more…
Aceh: One Year Ago and Today
At 6:58 a.m. local time on 26 December 2004, a trembling started in the ocean off Sumatra Island some 155 miles southeast of Banda Aceh and two hundred miles west of Medan.Read more…
Into Their World…The Kazakh of Kazakhstan
As the second largest Muslim group in Central Asia, the Kazak people have had a tumultuous history, experiencing wars, migration and domination for centuries. One of the most influential ethnic groups in Central Asia at one time, the Kazak now dwell mainly in Kazakhstan, but can also be found in Mongolia, Ukraine and Russia.Read more…
Into Their World… The Sunda of Indonesia
With nearly thirty million Sundanese living in or near the western portion of the Indonesian Island of Java, this is one of the largest remaining unreached people groups.Read more…
Corresponding with Christians across the World amidst Restrictions and Persecution
Restrictions and persecution are two realities that cast long shadows over work amongst unreached peoples.Read more…
High-Tech, Least-Reached
Many nations that are home to unreached peoples are also home to some of the most advanced technologies on Earth. By 2025, humanity will have the power to accomplish awesome, even fearsome, things.Read more…
The Bedouins of Jordan
Bedouins have lived in the arid, dry land of Jordan since the beginning of their existence. More than a quarter of a million Bedouins traverse the country today, living as either nomadic shepherds or farmers.Read more…
Increasing Momentum for Unreached People Groups
For the past two decades, unreached peoples have been the focus of our attention. As a result, the effort to bring the gospel to these individuals and communities has gained significant momentum.Read more…
Into Their World…The Bangali of Bangladesh
With more than 99% of the Bengali in Bangladesh being Muslim, this people group remains one of the least-evangelized in the 10/40 Window.Read more…