The Roma of Bucharest Reconciliation in Rwanda
Like Dew in a Dry Land: Reconciliation in the Middle East
Unity in the Body of Christ in the Middle East requires intentional reconciliation between Arab Christians from Palestine, Arab Israeli Christians and Messianic Jews.Read more…
Actions for Peace in Colombia: Hope in the Face of Roaring Conflict
In the midst of great conflict in Colombia, local churches and communities are seeking to bring restoration.Read more…
Women Who Can Change the World
Women involved in the Lausanne Women’s Network recently met for fellowship and prayer in Germany.Read more…
The Internet Missionary Society of 2020
Although the gospel forever remains the same, how it is delivered, who is communicating it and the means of responding to it will be profoundly changed in the coming years.Read more…
Learning from Ants: The Possibility of Missionary Swarms
Is it possible to build a Ì¢âÂÒmission swarmÌ¢âÂå that can recruit and send our forty-three thousand teams? The author believes the answer is yes.Read more…
Reconciliation in World Evangelization
Our ministry is toward the reconciliation of broken persons to Christ as well as broken people groups to each other. And nowhere is reconciliation more needed than within the Church for the effective witness of the power of God to the world.Read more…
What Happened to People Group Thinking?
Seven key misconceptions have emerged and seem to impede movement forward in bringing the gospel to all people groups.Read more…
The Reconciliation Journey to and since the 2004 Lausanne Forum
Reflections and updates on the Lausanne Reconciliation Issue Group and the Global Network for Reconciliation.Read more…
Remembering Genocide with Hope: Rwanda Heals Through Forgiveness and Reconciliation
ALARM-Rwanda recently conducted a retreat for church leaders to discuss the role of the Church in remembering the 1994 genocide which devastated the country.Read more…
What Does Faithful Christian Witness Look Like in a World of Destructive Conflicts?
The work of becoming peacemakers between divided people is not secondary or optional, but is central to Christian mission along with planting churches and making disciples.Read more…
The Culture of Peace and Evangelism
Unfortunately, for much of the Church in recent history, evangelism and peacemaking have been seen as separate tasks. Instead, they need to be integrated.Read more…
The Roma (Gypsy) Community in Bucharest, Romania
The Church in Roma communities in Bucharest has suffered long-term effects of being under Communist rule.Read more…
God’s Church in Stefanesti
God continues to build his Church, with the help of organizations such as Child Evangelism Fellowship, among the Roma people.Read more…
AROUND THE WORLD: Top Ten Places of Persecution According to a report from Minority Rights Group International, the top ten places where ethnic and religious minorities are persecuted are: Somalia, Iraq, Sudan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Pakistan,Read more…
Understanding and Witnessing as a Christian in Baghdad
Baghdad is in the midst of war. And yet, the gospel is being proclaimed boldly through love and pray.Read more…