Within the context of fatalism, pessimism, violence and debt, the Portuguese evangelical community is responding to the deepest needs of the Portuguese society. (Original Portuguese text also available.)Read more…
Biblical Reasons for the Divine Uniqueness and Finality of Jesus Christ: Basic Requirements for Evangelistic Outreach
The most basic requirement of evangelistic preaching is to clearly understand and explain the person and work of Jesus Christ.Read more…
Just10 – Transform Your World
Teaching the Ten Commandments in a relevant way is transforming thousands of lives in the United Kingdom.Read more…
The Apostolic Church of God in Romania recently celebrated the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of the Pentecostal Theological Institute in Bucharest, the church’s primary training school for ministers. The school opened in 1976 when Romania was still under theRead more…
A team of fifty volunteers and Asia Challenge Teams workers in northeast Thailand recently traveled to three rural areas unreached with the gospel. Over one thousand people attended three days of makeshift clinics and no one was turned away. BesidesRead more…
The first ordained woman to be named to the top position of the Church of Scotland says she hopes to promote Christian unity during her year in office. “I will definitely be focusing on Christian denominations. That will be theRead more…
The general assembly of the European Evangelical Alliance (EEA) and the European Evangelical Missionary Alliance recently launched the Polish Evangelical Alliance‘s (PEA) Ì¢âÂÒYear of Evangelical Christians in Poland,Ì¢âÂå with a firm belief that there is still great hope for ChristianityRead more…
Bless Bihar Conference 2006 was held in Siwan 26-29 October 2006. More than four hundred delegates attended. Every day, after the morning worship the participants were separated into three different groups as workers, believers and Sunday school children. Classes forRead more…
Despite that fact that officials of the stadium in Quito scheduled a soccer game for the same night as the 21-23 September 2006 Franklin Graham Festival was to start, more than fourteen thousand people gave their lives to Christ atRead more…
Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams says he believes that in some regions in China the percentage of the population attending church on Sundays is as large as or even larger than that in most western European countries. “The astonishing andRead more…
Church leaders in Tasmania, Australia, announced that they would run the first statewide Ì¢âÂÒJesus. All about lifeÌ¢âÂå (JAAL) campaign in September/October 2007. JAAL, developed by Bible Society NSW, was held in Adelaide in August 2005 and in Canberra in March/AprilRead more…
Dr. Jim Montgomery, founder of Dawn Ministries and a missionary for OC International, passed away 29 October 2006 after a prolonged bout with cancer. Montgomery and his wife joined OC in April 1958; they spent four years in Taiwan andRead more…
Lowell Nelson Reed was recently named the new international director for Action International Ministries (ACTION), a position he officially takes up 9 March 2007. Reed, currently the associate international director and Southeast Asia regional coordinator for ACTION, will be succeedingRead more…
What Makes Christianity Fundamentally Different from Other Great World Religions?
Although all of the major world religions share certain characteristics in common, there are at least four things that distinguish the Christian faith from the others.Read more…
The Uniqueness and Universality of Jesus Christ
The question of the uniqueness of Christ is one that needs to be answered in order for the Church to fulfill its mission of world evangelization.Read more…
Urbana 06 Open for Business Conference
The Open for Business track at Urbana 06 is for participants who have a passion or growing interest in business and global missions.Read more…
A Focus on East and South Africa: 349 Least-Reached People Groups Remain
Amidst war, AIDS and other life-threatening factors, research shows that Christianity is growing faster in these regions than anywhere else in the world.Read more…
Christ-like Leadership and a Passion for the Gospel in the Lausanne Movement
The Lausanne Movement has much to be thankful to God for in 2006. And we look forward to even greater things that God will do in 2007.Read more…
Building Vision by Seeing Through the Chaos
Building vision means looking through the chaos of what we see into the potential reality of a future hope.Read more…
Into Their World…The Tunni of Somalia
Nearly one hundred percent of the Tunni of Somalia are Muslim. And they have no available Christian resources.Read more…
Keeping the Globe in View
The Christian global mandate is that we be God’s witnesses in the world. Instead of building our own empires, we must stay focused on evangelizing the lost.Read more…
An African Seminary Goes Online
Experimentation with online classes through the Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology offers valuable insight into online theological training.Read more…
Freedom to Worship: World Christian Gathering on Indigenous People
Drawing more than five hundred representatives of indigenous tribes from twenty-three countries, the WCGIP was a venue for indigenous peoples worldwide to express themselves freely.Read more…
A New Gateway to World Missions at Urbana 06
Nearly twenty-five thousand participants are expected to attend the Urbana 06 conference 27-31 December 2006.Read more…
God Means Business! Seven Brief Observations on Business as Mission, BAM
BAM: a seven-point observation.Read more…
European Evangelicals Express Hope for Europe
Leaders of the European Evangelical Alliance and the European Evangelical Missionary Alliance declared this the “Year of Evangelical Christians in Poland.”Read more…
An Overview of Eastern Africa
Saddled with debt and riddled with corruption, the countries in Eastern Africa today are broken and impoverished, with half to three-quarters of their people living in poverty.Read more…
Building Bridges in the West and the World on World AIDS Day
The Church is often known for what it stands against instead of what it stands for. As millions of people struggle with AIDS worldwide, the Church must come alongside them in love.Read more…
Making the Most of a Mission Experience Through Journaling
Proper journaling can help short-term missionaries make the most of their time of ministry.Read more…
THIS MONTH…The Uniqueness of Christ and Other Issues of Global Interest
Peoples of the WorldUnderstanding the uniqueness of Jesus Christ