5 October- 3 November 2005 Thirty Days Muslim Prayer Focus Millions of Christians worldwide will be participating in the “30 Days Muslim Prayer Focus,” which coincides with the annual Muslim fasting month of Ramadan 5 October- 3 November. The event is sponsored by Youth with a Mission (YWAM) and is the largest ongoing prayer focus on the Muslim world. Thousands of churches, ministries and prayer groups will be praying for; learning about; and reaching out to Muslims during this time. www.ywam.org/prayer/30daysmuslim.html8-9 October 2005DC Festival with Luis Palau Thousands of people will be descending upon the National Mall in Washington D.C., USA, 8-9 October for the DC Festival with Luis Palau. The festival will include the gospel message plus children’s programs, skateboarding and BMX bike demonstrations; and performances by Christian musicians such as Steven Curtis Chapman, Third Day and Kirk Franklin. Evangelist Luis Palau has shared to gospel message to over twenty million people in seventy countries. www.dcfestival.org/pages/page.asp?page_id=242112-16 October 2005Fellowship of Short-Term Mission Leaders Conference Individuals and organizations involved with short-term missions are invited to the Fellowship of Short-Term Mission Leaders (FSTML) Conference 12-16 October at the Simpsonwood Conference Center in Atlanta, GA, USA. The five-day event will include advanced level leadership training sessions; networking and strategizing; and time for worship, fellowship and prayer. Workshops include creative ideas for experimental pre-field trainingL cultural anthropology and Christian missions; and the role of peacemaking in mission contexts. www.fstml.org20-21 October 2005Sydney Media Forum held in Australia Media professionals will meet for the Sydney Media Forum on 20-21 October at Brannigan’s Restaurant in Surry Hills. The event is sponsored by RevNet Media Fellowship, a non-profit ministry that seeks to share the gospel through media in Australia. The forum will offer professionals a time of prayer, fellowship and networking as together they seek to fulfill the Great Commission through media. www.revnet.info30 October – 5 November 2005Publishing Magazines for Children and Youth Conference and All-Day Comics Training More than a dozen workshops will be held during the Eastern European Magazine Training Institute’s “Publishing Magazines for Children and Youth” conference 30 October-5 November at the Life Conference Center in Crikvenica, Croatia. The event will include plenary sessions with speakers from around the world; evening programs; and numerous workshops related to issues in children and youth publishing. A one-day “Creating Christian Comics” workshop will also be held 5 November at the same location. The seminar gives publishers, editors and writers an overview of the process of creating and using comics for outreach and discipleship. www.magazinetraining.com 13 November 2005International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church Millions of Christians worldwide will be joining in prayer 13 November for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. More than 200 million Christians suffer for the sake of Christ each year. Last year more than 200,000 churches worldwide participated in the event, offering education to church members and prayer for those giving their lives to share the gospel. www.persecutedchurch.org18-19 November 2005ACMC Midwest and New England Conferences Pastors, educators, missionaries and interested laypersons are invited to attend one of the two “Flooding the World with God’s Love” Advancing Churches in Missions Commitment (ACMC) conferences this coming fall. The Midwest conference will be held 18-19 November at Christ Church of Oak Brook in Oak Brook, IL, USA, while the New England conference will be held 19 November at Valley Community Baptist Church in Avon, CT, USA. Workshops and seminars focus on missions in local and global contexts. Issues such as responding to Islam, building cross-cultural relationships and mobilizing prayer will be also addressed. www.acmc.org18-20 November 2005Kickoff2006 Sports Conference in Germany Kickoff2006, an outreach effort to coincide with the 2006 FIFA (Federation Internationale de Football Association) World Cup held in Germany, will be hosting the biggest international Christian sports conference ever in Germany 18-20 November. All international team leaders who plan on bringing a team for the outreach during the 2006 World Cup are invited to attend the conference. Outreach strategies and networking opportunities will be available during the conference. www.kickoff2006.org2-3 December 2005The Missional Church in Context: A Consultation on Developing a Contextual Missiology Theological scholars and denominational and church leaders will be addressing The Missional Church in Context: A Consultation on Developing a Contextual Missiology 2-3 December at Luther Seminary in St. Paul, MN, USA. The format will include four plenary sessions with prepared papers distributed to participants prior to the event and five workshop opportunities on what contextual missiology looks like in various contexts. The consultation is designed to help congregations, judicatories and denominations develop contextual approaches to becoming a missional church. www.luthersem.edu/missional_church5-9 December 2005Sixteenth Annual Pastor to Missionaries Conference “Reclaiming Pastoral Care” is this year’s theme for the sixteenth annual Pastor to Missionary Conference 5-9 December at the Wycliffe JAARS Center in Waxhaw, NC, USA. For couples, individuals, missions executives and associates and missions pastors, the conference will offer tools and resources for encouraging, partnering with and responding to the needs of missionaries. Using small group interaction, personal networking and plenary sessions, the conference will help those in the care-giving ministry do their work more effectively. www.barnabas.org7-10 March, 2006Ethne ’06 Conference for Unreached People Groups More than 650 Christians leaders from around the globe will be gathering in Southeast Asia for Ethne ’06, a conference for churches, people and organizations committed to sharing the gospel with Unreached People Groups, 7-10 March 2006. More than 27% of the world population has never heard the gospel. The event will include encouragement, prayer, strategies for outreach and resource materials. www.ethne.net16 April – 4 June 2006Forty Days with the Risen Lord in Australia Leads up to Global Day of Prayer Christians across Australia will be partnering on 16 April 2006 to celebrate “40 Days with the Risen Lord,” a forty-day program leading up to the Global Day of Prayer on 4 June 2006. The intensive prayer program is designed to guide Christians of all denominations and all ages in how to pray for a movement of God not only in their country, but across the world. All churches are invited to use the sermon, children’s and church service outlines designed specifically for the program. Last May more than 220 million Christians worldwide joined in prayer during the 2005 Global Day of Prayer. www.40dayswiththerisenlord.org or www.globaldayofprayer.com11-15 July 2006Second Global Consultation on Music and Missions Christians from around the world will be gathering for the second Global Consultation on Music and Missions (GCoMM 2006) 11-15 July 2006 at Bethel University in St. Paul, MN, USA. The event will feature over forty seminars and panels. Topics addressed will be related to music and the arts, missions and indigenous music around the world. www.gcommhome.org25 September-1 October 2006Lausanne Younger Leaders Gathering 2006 Approximately 500 younger leaders from around the world will be invited to participate in a week long Gathering in Malaysia. This active learning environment will encourage young leaders to learn from each other, to connect with ministries worldwide, and to deepen their walk with Christ. The Gathering will also function as a catalyst and provide a platform for continued growth and connection as part of an ongoing virtual community of leaders. www.lausanne.org/Brix?pageID=15907